Banff Clay & Cast, 2011
Diverse workshop participants signed up to learn foundation sculpting and design skills. Original masks were produced in clay, then cast from Plasti-Paste II (an experiment in fast casting with larger groups). Finished masks were easy to dremel and lightweight for suitcase packing.
Banff Mixed Media, 2011
Twelve production-types from all walks took part in after hours mask workshops held in the Banff Centre prop shop. Great experience: very inspired by the talent, effort and ideas of novice builders and artists from other departments.
UVic Face Casting, 2010
In 2010, Coby Dayan elected to organize two independant workshops for his 4th year acting class. The first, in Face Casting, was adapted to include 14 students.
UVic Mixed Media, 2011
The Mixed Media Prop Masks (or 'fast and dirty') workshop organized for 4th year actors by Coby Dayan began with neutral base masks. Armature wire, bent to profile and silhouette of mask designs, provided added structure.
Puppets with Jeny, 2010
Banff Centre Theatre Arts participants from various departments signed up for a weekend workshop with puppeteer and actor Jeny Cassady (Vancouver). Good times; loved bringing Jeny in to teach production folks about puppet history, operation, building options and puppets in TV/Film.